Use some kind of tape or post-it to mark the aim in the games that have a blind skull. Remember, if your partner dies, you both go back to the last checkpoint. Playing with someone can make it a lot easier, as long as both know what they are doing. When you die, just save and quit before the game restarts, and when you resume, you will be in your last checkpoint. If you are playing solo, you can use save and quit to go around the iron skull in all games. The Naked Tyrant achievement in Halo: The Master Chief Collection worth 263 points Halo 4: Complete the Halo 4 LASO Campaign playlist. Getting this achivement is, in fact, getting this four achievements: These are the LASO specific achievements for each game. There are good guides for each of the LASOS in their respective achievements, and it would be too extensive and repetitive to write them all here again. Each game has its on set of skulls, even though some of them appear in more than one. Each skull adds a modifier that makes the game more difficult, such as less ammo in weapons, enemies with more health and so on.
It is in legendary difficulty, plus all skulls on. LASO is by far the hardest mode in the game. Thanks bLaKgRaVy for pointing out the necessity of clarifying this. You don't need the LASO from these games to get the achievement. Note: after the inclusion of HALO ODST and HALO REACH, both with LASO, this achievement description can be misleading. You must finish the list available in the game's lists for all of them: setting up a game with the skulls won't count! For this solution, you have to finish all four LASO lists from the four main games: HALO 1, HALO 2, HALO 3 and HALO 4.